We explain how asymptotic safety arises in four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories. We provide asymptotically safe supersymmetric gauge theories together with their superconformal fixed points, R charges, phase diagrams, and UV-IR connecting trajectories. Strict perturbative control is achieved in a Veneziano limit. Consistency with unitarity and the a theorem is established. We find that supersymmetry enhances the predictivity of asymptotically safe theories. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.211601 Introduction.-The discovery of asymptotic freedom for non-Abelian gauge theories in 1973 has initiated a new era in particle physics [1,2]. Asymptotic freedom explains why certain types of quantum field theories such as the strong and weak sector of the standard model can be truly fundamental and predictive up to the highest energies. It implies that interactions are switched off asymptotically and theories become free. Asymptotic freedom constitutes a cornerstone in the standard model of particle physics and continues to play an important role in the search for models beyond.The discovery of exact asymptotic safety for nonAbelian gauge theories with matter [3-5] has raised substantial interest. Asymptotic safety explains how theories can be fundamental, predictive, and interacting at highest energies [6]. Initially put forward as a scenario to quantize gravity [7][8][9][10], asymptotic safety also arises in many other theories [11][12][13][14]. In particle physics, asymptotic safety offers intriguing new directions to ultraviolet (UV) complete the standard model beyond the confines of asymptotic freedom [15][16][17].In this Letter, we investigate whether asymptotic safety can be achieved in supersymmetric gauge theories. In the language of the renormalization group (RG), asymptotic safety corresponds to an interacting UV fixed point for the running couplings [6]. Supersymmetry modifies fixed points and the evolution of couplings, because it links bosonic with fermionic degrees of freedom [4,18,19]. Additional constraints arise as bounds on the superconformal R charges [20] from both unitarity [21] and the a theorem [22][23][24][25]. Hence, our task consists of finding supersymmetric gauge theories without asymptotic freedom, but with viable interacting UV fixed points, and in accord with all constraints.One arena in which we may hope to find reliable answers is that of perturbation theory. For sufficiently small couplings [26], the loop expansion and weakly interacting fixed points are trustworthy [4]. In this spirit, we obtain fixed points, phase diagrams, superconformal R charges, and UV-IR connecting trajectories for supersymmetric gauge theories in a controlled setting. Previously, this