This paper concerns the controller design for continuous-time linear systems with time-varying delay and process disturbance. A novel adaptive sliding mode control law is mainly proposed to attract the sliding mode to first-order sliding surface within a finite time; afterwards, the uniformly ultimately bounded stability of the closed-loop system on the sliding surface is simultaneously guaranteed. In addition, the chattering phenomena can be conveniently excluded if the disturbance is a low-intensity process. Once the high-intensity disturbance is involved, the state variation can be significantly reduced as well. Furthermore, by the technique of a novel exponential free-matrix technique, the convergence rate of the closed-loop system can be conveniently preregulated. Numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.
KEYWORDSadaptive sliding mode control, chattering free, process disturbance, time-varying delay, uniformly ultimately bounded stable
INTRODUCTIONMany real-world applications are difficult to be accurately described by the mathematical models because their full-scale intrinsic and extrinsic dynamics are usually hard or even barely impossible to be acquired. The practical systems usually contain some unclear system variations including mismatches between idealized model with the reality, unmodeled system dynamic, unknown operating mechanism, etc. If these system variations are completely neglected, the system control performances will be deteriorated; moreover, the system stability may be threatened. For describing the unknown and unmeasurable variations, the process disturbances are usually employed in the system dynamic models. [1][2][3][4][5] Although the detailed origination and transmutation dynamics of process disturbances still remain unrevealed, some statistical models are successful to describe their macroscopically principles. For example, the disturbances are regarded as the stochastic distributions, 6,7 the energy-bounded processes, 8-11 the peak-bounded procedures, 12-14 etc. For alleviating the negative impacts of the process disturbances, many robust control schemes are gradually proposed in the past decades. [15][16][17][18][19][20] One of the successful robust control scheme is called the sliding mode control (SMC), also known as the variable structure control, which received intensive attentions due to its prominent features such as convenient to be performed, easy implementation, insensitivity to dynamic switching of system modes, reduction of the order of system state, and especially the robustness in the presence of external disturbances. [21][22][23][24] Int J Robust Nonlinear Control. 2019;