We provide existence results for semilinear differential inclusions involving measures:
trueleftdu∈Au0.28em0.28emdt+Ffalse(t,ufalse)0.28emdg0.28em,1emt∈false[0,1false],leftu(0)=u0,where A is the infinitesimal generator of a C0‐semigroup {T(t),t≥0} of contractions on a separable Banach space X and g:[0,1]→R is a right‐continuous non‐decreasing function. The existence of mild solutions, as well as the compactness of the solution set are obtained via Kakutani–Ky Fan's fixed point theorem in the space of regulated functions endowed with weak, respectively strong topologies. Some examples of special cases covered by our existence results have been included.