Let Γ n denote the n-th level Sierpiński graph of the Sierpiński gasket K. We consider, for any given conductance (a 0 , b 0 , c 0 ) on Γ 0 , the Dirchlet form E on K obtained from a recursive construction of compatible sequence of conductances (a n , b n , c n ) on Γ n , n ≥ 0. We prove that there is a dichotomy situation: either a 0 = b 0 = c 0 and E is the standard Dirichlet form, or a 0 > b 0 = c 0 (or the two symmetric alternatives), and E is a non-self-similar Dirichlet form independent of a 0 , b 0 . The second situation has also been studied in [9, 10] as a one-dimensional asymptotic diffusion process on the Sierpiński gasket. For the spectral property, we give a sharp estimate of the eigenvalue distribution of the associated Laplacian, which improves a similar result in [10].