A spectral problem for the Laplace operator in a thick cascade junction with concentrated masses is considered. This cascade junction consists of the junction's body and a great number 5N=O(ϵ−1) of ϵ‐alternating thin rods belonging to two classes. One class consists of rods of finite length, and the second one consists of rods of small length of order scriptOMathClass-open(ϵMathClass-close). The density of the junction is of order O(ϵ−α) on the rods from the second class and scriptOMathClass-open(1MathClass-close) outside of them. The asymptotic behavior of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of this problem is studied as ϵ → 0. There exist five qualitatively different cases in the asymptotic behavior of eigenmagnitudes as ϵ → 0, namely the case of ‘light’ concentrated (α ∈ (0,1)), ‘middle’ concentrated (α = 1), and ‘heavy’ concentrated masses (α ∈ (1, + ∞ )) that we divide into ‘slightly heavy’ concentrated (α ∈ (1,2)), ‘intermediate heavy’ concentrated (α = 2), and ‘very heavy’ concentrated masses (α > 2). In the paper, we study in detail the influence of the concentrated masses on the asymptotic behavior if α ∈ (1,2). We construct the leading terms of asymptotic expansions both for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions and prove the corresponding asymptotic estimates. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.