In this paper we will formulate 4 × 4 Riemann-Hilbert problems for Toeplitz+Hankel determinants and the associated system of orthogonal polynomials, when the Hankel symbol is supported on the unit circle and also when it is supported on an interval [a, b], 0 < a < b < 1. The distinguishing feature of this work is that in the formulation of the Riemann-Hilbert problem no specific relationship is assumed between the Toeplitz and Hankel symbols. We will develop nonlinear steepest descent methods for analysing these problems in the case where the symbols are smooth (i.e. in the absence of Fisher-Hartwig singularities) and admit an analytic continuation in a neighborhood of the unit circle (if the symbol's support is the unit circle). We will finally introduce a model problem and will present its solution requiring certain conditions on the ratio of Hankel and Toeplitz symbols. This in turn will allow us to find the asymptotics of the norms h n of the corresponding orthogonal polynomials and, in fact, the large n asymptotics of the polynomials themselves. We will explain how this solvable case is related to the recent operator-theoretic approach in [6] to Toeplitz+Hankel determinants. At the end we will discuss the prospects of future work and outline several technical, as well as conceptual, issues which we are going to address next within the 4 × 4 Riemann-Hilbert framework introduced in this paper.Notation. Throughout the paper we will frequently use the notation f (z), to denote f (z −1 ).