Genetically encoded fluorescent biosensors that detect changes in ATP levels in live cells have enabled the discovery of novel roles for ATP in cellular processes and signaling. Many of these available ATP biosensors have a limited dynamic range, or have ATP affinities that are not suitable for sensing the physiological concentrations of ATP in mammalian cells. To address these limitations, we developed a FRET-based ATP biosensor with enhanced dynamic range and signal to noise ratio, eATeam. Using eATeam, we uncovered distinct spatiotemporal dynamics of ATP changes upon inhibition of cellular energy production. We also developed dimerization-dependent GFP and RFP-based ATP biosensors with enhanced dynamic ranges compared to the current standard in the field. Using the single-color ATP biosensors, we visualized the complex interplay between AMPK activity, ATP, lactate, and calcium by multiplexed imaging in single cells. This palette of ATP sensors expands the toolbox for interrogating subcellular ATP regulation and metabolic signaling in living cells.