Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a widespread pathogen that is
All Ly49 receptors characterized to date interact with MHC class I molecules on potential target cells, resulting in the accumulation of signals to the NK to either 'kill' or 'ignore' the cell based upon the repertoire of MHC class I molecules expressed. The identification of Cmv1 as Ly49H, a stimulatory member of the Ly49 family, adds an interesting twist to the Ly49 story. Although the ligand of Ly49H is not yet known, there is already compelling evidence that the ligand is upregulated on virally infected cells, resulting in specific activation of Ly49H-expressing NK cells. This review provides an historical perspective of the MCMV infection model from its inception to the discovery of the gene responsible for the phenotype and provides a basis for further experiments aimed at understanding the role of NK cells, in general, and Ly49H, in particular, in mediating resistance to cytomegalovirus.