Numerical ocean general circulation models are useful tools for studying ocean dynamics, interpreting observations and providing predictions of past and future circulation states (Griffies et al., 2009;Fox-Kemper et al., 2019). However, numerical models are necessarily approximate in that they represent continuous physical processes using discrete operators. These discrete representations can impact the accuracy Abstract Numerical mixing, defined here as the physically spurious tracer diffusion due to the numerical discretization of advection, is known to contribute to biases in ocean models. However, quantifying numerical mixing is nontrivial, with most studies utilizing targeted experiments in idealized settings. Here, we present a water mass transformation-based method for quantifying numerical mixing that can be applied to any conserved variable in general circulation models. Furthermore, the method can be applied within individual fluid columns to provide spatial information. We apply the method to a suite of global ocean model simulations with differing grid spacings and subgrid-scale parameterizations. In all configurations numerical mixing drives diathermal heat transport of comparable magnitude to that associated with explicit parameterizations. Numerical mixing is prominent in the tropical thermocline, where it is sensitive to the vertical diffusivity and resolution. At colder temperatures numerical mixing is sensitive to the presence of explicit neutral diffusion, suggesting that it may act as a proxy for neutral diffusion when it is explicitly absent. Comparison of otherwise equivalent 1/4° and 1/10° configurations with grid-scale dependent horizontal viscosity shows only a modest enhancement in numerical mixing at 1/4°. However, if the lateral viscosity is maintained while resolution is increased then numerical mixing is reduced by almost 35%. This result suggests that the common practice of reducing viscosity in order to maximize permitted variability must be considered carefully. Our results provide a detailed view of numerical mixing in ocean models and pave the way for improvements in parameter choices and numerical methods.Plain Language Summary Numerical ocean circulation models are useful tools for studying the ocean's role in climate and providing projections of climate change. However, due to constraints on computational power, numerical models must represent processes that are continuous in the real ocean using discrete approximations. One consequence of such discrete approximations is numerical mixing, whereby seawater transport (a process that should not mix properties such as heat and salt content) results in mixing and exchange of properties with surrounding seawater. Mixing in the ocean interior is weak, and so the presence of additional numerical mixing in ocean models can cause the models to drift away from reality, reducing their accuracy and utility. In this study, we present a new method for quantifying numerical mixing in global ocean models, including its three-dimensional spati...