“…Nothofagus ; for further information see: Patel, 1986 and Poole, 2002), following the most recently accepted classification of oaks (Denk et al, 2017), including also the work of Carlquist (2001), other literature resources (Carlquist and Hoekman (1985); Cutler (1964); Forman (1964); Forman and Cutler (1967); Gupta and Gupta (2020); Kubitzki, Rohwer, and Bittrich (1993); Lee (1968); Lemmens, Soerianegara, and Wong (1995); Pearson and Brown (1932); Serdar and Mazlum (2014); Sharma et al (2011); Sharma, Sharma, Kharkongor, and Carter (2011); Sharma, Shylla, and Sharma (2017); Shimaji (1952, 1954a,b, 1959, 1962); Sudworth and Mell (1911); Manos, Cannon, and Oh (2008); Melville (1982); Mennega (1980); Metcalfe and Chalk (1965); Nixon (2007); Pande et al (2005); Phromprasit et al (2016); Tillson and Muller (1942), observations from atlases (e.g. Akkemik & Yaman, 2012; Grosser, 1977; Ilic, 1991; Ilvessalo‐Pfäffli, 1995; Ruffinatto & Crivellaro, 2019; Schweingruber, 1990) and InsideWood Web site (InsideWood, 2004–onwards), and corrections regarding the validity of the species (concluding to their position in the new classification) from The Plant List (2013):…”