A detailed theoretical study on the reaction mechanisms for the formations of H 2 O 2 + 3 O 2 from the self-reaction of HO 2 radicals under the effect of NH 3 , H 3 NÁÁÁH 2 O, and H 2 SO 4 catalysts was performed using the CCSD(T)/CBS//M06-2X/ aug-cc-pVTZ method. The rate constant was computed using canonical variational transition state theory (CVT) with small curvature tunneling (SCT). Our results indicate that NH 3-, H 3 NÁÁÁH 2 O-, and H 2 SO 4-catalyzed reactions could proceed through both one-step and stepwise routes. Calculated rate constants show that the catalyzed routes in the presence of the three catalysts all prefer stepwise pathways. Compared to the catalytic efficiency of H 2 O, the efficiencies of NH 3 , H 3 NÁÁÁH 2 O, and H 2 SO 4 are much lower due to their smaller relative concentrations. The present results have provided a definitive example of how basic and acidic catalysts influence the atmospheric reaction of HO 2 + HO 2 ! H 2 O 2 + 3 O 2. These results further encourage one to consider the effects of basic and acidic catalysts on the related atmospheric reactions. Thus, the present investigation should have broad implications in the gas-phase reactions of the atmosphere.