Open-pit mines produce large amounts of waste rock that is placed on-site, often in tall, mixed-composition piles. These waste-rock piles pose environmental risks because their weathering (i.e., sulfide oxidation) may generate acidic and metalladen drainage. However, the reaction and transport limitations controlling sulfide oxidation remain poorly described at field scales. Here, we present comprehensive multiyear data from two instrumented boreholes in an operational waste-rock pile at the Antamina mine in Peru. Localized but significant (?20 m) sections of reactive waste rock with up to 20% (w/w) sulfide existed at depths of up to 100 m in the pile, and their oxidation with rates of up to 1 × 10 −7 kg S m −3 s −1 completely consumed pore-gas O 2 and generated temperatures >40°C. Using mass-transport calculations, we show that advective rather than diffusive O 2 ingress controlled the sulfide oxidation rates in reactive regions of the waste-rock pile. Sulfide weathering rates in the less reactive zones of the pile were not limited by O 2 ingress, independent of the gas transport mechanism, with the exception of fine-grained waste rock at or near complete water saturation. Our results demonstrate the pronounced effects of physical and mineralogical heterogeneity on O 2 supply to waste-rock piles and controls of gas transport on waste-rock weathering rates.Abbreviations: AP, acid production potential; bgs, below ground surface; NP, neutralization potential.Waste rock is typically the largest waste fraction produced by open-pit mines, with millions of tonnes produced around the world annually (Lottermoser, 2010). Waste rock is often stored on-site in mixed-composition, heterogeneous piles or "dumps" that can be hundreds of meters high. The weathering of these exposed waste-rock piles bears significant environmental risks because the oxidation of reactive sulfide minerals, if present, can produce acidic drainage with high metal concentrations (Amos et al., 2015;Dold, 2017) The rate of waste-rock weathering, and thus ultimately the drainage quality from waste-rock piles, is determined by a number of intricately coupled processes, including chemical-reaction kinetics (Singer and Stumm, 1970;Strömberg and Banwart, 1994), biological catalysis (Johnson and Hallberg, 2003;Blackmore et al., 2018), gas transport (Ritchie, 2003), and hydrological flow (Amos et al., 2015;Nordstrom et al., 2015).During waste-rock weathering, the oxidation of sulfidic gangue minerals consumes O 2 and H 2 O and releases acidity and heat, whereas the acid-buffering dissolution of carbonate minerals (when present) releases CO 2 . It has been previously observed that sulfide oxidation in waste-rock piles can lead to locally elevated temperatures >60°C (Lefebvre et al., 2001b), virtually complete O 2 depletion (Dold, 2017;Parbhakar-Fox and Lottermoser, 2015), and, in carbonate-rich waste-rock piles, to CO 2 levels >2% (v/v) (Lorca et al., 2016). Fast reaction kinetics and relatively slow mass-and heat-transport mechanisms in unsaturated waste-rock ...