INTRODUCTIONThe international agreement represented by COM (1999) sets certain criteria to which results of air pollution modelling must correspond. Usually there does not exist enough spatial information about pollution field -thus, validation of the model is complicated. International data sets for validation of models are good alternatives -they represent pollution field in different meteorological conditions and pollution patterns.The aim of current study is to validate Gaussian-plume AEROPOL model against the Copenhagen data set and thus check its applicability in typical weather and urban conditions. The triggering reasons for this study were (1) the improvement of model and (2) the extensive use of AEROPOL for urban planning applications in Estonia.
BACKGROUNDThe AEROPOL model (developed in Tartu Observatory, Estonia) is a Gaussian plume model, which includes the reflection and partial adsorption of the pollutant at the underlying surface, wet deposition, initial rise of buoyant plumes. The model is applicable for gaseous pollutants and particles from stacks, transport and area sources like domestic heating (Kaasik, 1996, Kaasik et al., 2002.