This paper assesses the quality of ozone data of modified Brewer Mast (MBM) balloonborne ozonesonde and its comparison with MOZAIC Data (version 4), TES data (version 6), UARS MLS (version 5), EOS Aura MLS Data (version 5) and SBUV (version 8.1). The stations that have been used for this analysis: Delhi (28.58N, 77.20E) (Ozonesonde, MOZAIC, TES, UARS MLS, AURA MLS and SBUV), Pune (18.53N, 73.85E) Ozonesonde, UARS MLS, AURA MLS, SBUV and MOZAIC over Bombay presently called Mumbai (20.19N, 72.34E)), Madras presently called Chennai (13N, 80.18E) (MOZAIC and MLS) and Trivandrum (8.48N, 76.95E) (Ozonesonde, UARS MLS, AURA MLS and SBUV).Analysis shows that reasonable amounts of ozonesonde data are of good quality according to WMO criteria (1982) as 70-80 % of data over all the three stations are within the normalization factor of 1.3-0.8 ± (0.05-0.1) although some major changes in instrumentation e.g., new fast running nonreactive Teflon pump, modernized electronics, and smaller case since 1971. Several international intercomparisons carried out in 1970, 1982, 1991 and 1996 respectively, has also been confirmed the same, in spite of fundamental differences among the methods of these intercomparisons as well as ozonesonde types on procedure for sonde preparation, data processing and analysis. The intercomparison of Indian ozonesonde data (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999) is made at troposphere with MOZAIC data (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999)(2000) over Delhi and Pune/Mumbai, ozonesonde data (2013-2014) also compare with TES (2013-2014) special observation data over particular station Delhi at troposphere and at stratosphere with UARS MLS (1995)(1996)(1997)(1998)(1999), EOS Aura MLS (2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010)(2011)(2012)(2013)(2014) and SBUV (2005SBUV ( -2013 data at Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum. Tropospheric value of Ozonesonde shows on average 10-20 % higher value than MOZAIC value over Delhi and Pune except in the lower height (\800 hPa) but ozonesonde show 10-15 % higher value than TES over Delhi in the lower height (\800 hPa). The percentage difference between ozonesonde data and UARS MLS data at Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum show variation of ±15 % and ozonesonde data, EOS Aura MLS and SBUV data at Delhi, Pune and Trivandrum show variation of ±45 % in the vertical range of 46 to 10 hPa, where, MLS data show highest accuracy.