Abstract. The hydroxyl radical (OH) determines the capability of atmospheric
self-cleansing and is one of the significant oxidants in atmospheric
photochemistry reactions. Global OH has been monitored by
satellites with the traditional limb mode in the past decades. This
observed mode can achieve the acquisition of high-resolution vertical OH data but cannot
obtain enough horizontal OH data for inverting high-precision OH
concentrations because OH has a high reactivity that makes OH
concentrations extremely low and distributions complicated. The double
spatial heterodyne spectrometer (DSHS) is designed to obtain higher-resolution and more detailed OH data. This sensor can measure OH
by the three-dimensional limb mode to obtain comprehensive OH data
in the atmosphere. Here we propose a new tomographic retrieval algorithm based on the simulated observation data because the DSHS will
work officially on the orbit in the future. We build up an accurate
forward model. The main part of it is the SCIATRAN radiative transfer
model which is modified according to the radiation transmission
theory. The error in results obtained by the forward model is ±44.30 % in the lower atmosphere such as at a 21 km height and
decreases gradually until the limit of observation altitude. We also
construct the tomographic retrieval algorithm of which the core is a
lookup table method. A tomographic-observation database is built up
through the atmospheric model, the spatial information (the position
of the target area and satellite position), the date parameters, the
observation geometries, OH concentrations, and simulated observation
data. The OH concentrations can be found from it directly. If there
are no corresponding query conditions in the tomographic-observation
database, the cubic spline interpolation is used to obtain the OH
concentrations. The inversion results are given, and the errors in them
increase as the altitudes rise until about a 41 km height then
start to decrease. The errors in the inversion results reach the
maximum of about ±25.03 % at the 41 km height and decrease to
±8.09 % at the limited observation height. They are also
small in the lower atmosphere at ±12.96 % at 21 km. In summary, the tomographic retrieval algorithm can obtain more accurate OH concentrations even in the lower
atmosphere where the OH data are not high quality and avoids the setting of
initial guess values for solving the iteration problems. Our research
not only provides support for the scientific theory of the construction of the
DSHS but also gives a new retrieval algorithm idea for other