DOI: 10.1021/es0157503
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Atmospheric Mercury Deposition during the Last 270 Years:  A Glacial Ice Core Record of Natural and Anthropogenic Sources

Abstract: Mercury (Hg) contamination of aquatic ecosystems and subsequent methylmercury bioaccumulation are significant environmental problems of global extent. At regional to global scales, the primary mechanism of Hg contamination is atmospheric Hg transport. Thus, a better understanding of the long-term history of atmospheric Hg cycling and quantification of the sources is critical for assessing the regional and global impact of anthropogenic Hg emissions. Ice cores collected from the Upper Fremont Glacier (UFG), Wyo… Show more

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Cited by 426 publications
(306 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…This significant increase in atmospheric Hg is reflected in archives such as lake sediments, peat bogs and ice records which show a 2-to 4-fold increase in the past 150 years (Lindberg et al, 2007;Farmer et al, 2009). These archives also reflect the importance of volcanic explosions (e.g., Shotyk et al, 2005;Hobara et al, 2009;Guevara et al, 2010); ice-core data suggest that large events such as Tambora, 1815, or Krakatau, 1883, can result in deposition rates of Hg similar to those of global anthropogenic processes (Schuster et al, 2002).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This significant increase in atmospheric Hg is reflected in archives such as lake sediments, peat bogs and ice records which show a 2-to 4-fold increase in the past 150 years (Lindberg et al, 2007;Farmer et al, 2009). These archives also reflect the importance of volcanic explosions (e.g., Shotyk et al, 2005;Hobara et al, 2009;Guevara et al, 2010); ice-core data suggest that large events such as Tambora, 1815, or Krakatau, 1883, can result in deposition rates of Hg similar to those of global anthropogenic processes (Schuster et al, 2002).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The inorganic ion (Hg 2+ ) is the predominant form of Hg associated with sediment particles (Lorey and Driscoll, 1999) whereas the elemental (Hg°) and organic (HgMe) forms tend to accumulate in living tissues (Sunderland et al, 2006). Approximately 80% of global Hg emissions are caused by manmade processes: today's rates of deposition are 2-20 times greater than those recorded in pre-industrial times (Schuster et al, 2002). Petrochemical plants, which usually are built on the coast for immediate access to ships, are one of the most important sources of Hg (Wilhelm, 2001).…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The first direct measurements of total gaseous mercury (TGM, including GEM and divalent gaseous mercury species) were reported in the late 1970s during ship cruises across the Atlantic Ocean (7), but real-time atmospheric continuous monitoring at various European and Arctic locations was only initiated in the early 1990s (8). Lake sediment (9, 10), peat bog (11,12), and ice and snow (13,14) records have been powerful tools to reconstruct past evolution of atmospheric deposition of Hg 2ϩ species at specific locations, although their interpretation is still debated (15,16). These archives, however, do not inform directly about GEM, the major atmospheric Hg species.…”
confidence: 99%
“…Only a fraction of the mercury extracted from geological stocks has been emitted directly to the atmosphere by industrial processes [Ϸ30% in recent decades (48)]. In both the United States and Europe, however, most sediment and peat record reconstructions show higher deposition of atmospheric divalent mercury during the 1970s (10,11,14), simultaneous with the peak in worldwide production of mercury of Ϸ10 7 kg year Ϫ1 (Fig. 2B) (49).…”
confidence: 99%