A method is suggested for relating the relative permittivity, ionization potential, polarizability, and linear dimensions of nonpolar molecules. This was demonstrated for the example of inert gases, some spherical-and symmetric-top molecules, and linear molecules.Taking into account the polarizability of organic molecules and ions is important when describing quantitatively the mechanisms and rates of nonradical reactions. The energy of intermolecular dispersion interaction is directly related to the polarizabilities of molecules under consideration. The influence of the dispersion interaction on the reactivity was analyzed in [13 6]. The polarizabilities are commonly determined by extrapolation methods from the refractive index (using the Lorentz3Lorenz formula) and from the relative permittivities of substances. The most accurate values of the molecular polarizability can be obtained from the above parameters determined for the gaseous state, i.e., the case in which the contribution of intermolecular interactions can be neglected.In analysis of models of the molecular polarizability, attention is attracted by the fact that the influence exerted by the field of the induced dipole on the atomic polarization is disregarded in the literature concerned with nonpolar molecules. An attempt to consider this factor was made in [7]. However, an important point is that the field of the induced dipole is considered in a superposition with that of the permanent dipole for polar molecules. Atoms are regarded as isotropically polarized points, and the induced dipole moment of a molecule is represented aswhere A i is the polarizability tensor of ith atom, and T ij is the tensor of a field created by the induced dipole, which can be written in the matrix form aswhere r is the distance between ith and jth atoms;x, y, z, components of the vector running from point i to point j in the Cartesian coordinates. The expression in the brackets reflects the total field at ith atom, constituted by the externally applied field and the field of all induced dipoles of the system. However, this model gave a good (within 10%) agreement with experiment for medium polarizabilities and an unsatisfactory agreement for the main components of polarizability and anisotropy. This concept was further developed in [8], with anisotropic effects included, and then in [9], where the repulsion of electrons was taken into account.Further complication and modification of the model, made in [10,11], failed to improve significantly the agreement between the quantities mentioned. The last study employing this model and some of its preceding modifications was performed in 1999. The average and principal components of polarizability, calculated in this study for amino acids and peptides, coincided with the expected values only within an order of magnitude. This is natural, because the field of the induced dipole for polar molecules is three orders of magnitude lower than the field of the permanent dipole. Therefore, the model of polarizability of nonpolar molecule...