We analyze molecular bound states of atomic quantum gases near a Feshbach resonance. A simple, renormalizable field theoretic model is shown to have exact solutions in the two-body sector, whose binding energy agrees well with observed experimental results in both Bosonic and Fermionic cases. These solutions, which interpolate between BEC and BCS theories, also provide a more general variational ansatz for resonant superfluidity and related problems. Since these are many-body systems, it is useful to try to develop the simplest possible field-theoretic model that can explain their behavior. An essential feature of any correct many-body treatment is that the basic theory must be able to reproduce the physics of the two-body interactions. In this paper, we combine previous analytic solutions of a coherently coupled field theory [7-9] with an exact renormalization of the coupling constants [10], in order to obtain analytic predictions for the two-body bound states. This gives a unified picture of any Feshbach resonance experiment and related studies [7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20], provided a small number of observable parameters are available. The predictions will be compared with experimental data and with coupled-channel calculations.To quantitatively model these experiments, consider an effective Hamiltonian for the molecular field ͑⌿ 0 ͒ in the closed channel and the atomic fields ͑⌿ 1͑2͒ ͒ in the free-atom dissociation limit of the open channel:with the commutation (ϩ) or anticommutation (Ϫ) relation ͓⌿ i ͑x , t͒ , ⌿ j † ͑xЈ , t͔͒ ± = ␦ ij ␦͑x − xЈ͒ for Bosonic or Fermionic field operators ⌿ i , respectively. The free Hamiltonian Ĥ 0 includes the usual kinetic energy terms and the potential energies (including internal energies) due to the trap potential បV i ͑x͒, while U ij is the atom-atom, atom-molecule, and molecule-molecule coupling due to s-wave scattering. The atomic and molecular masses are m 1,2 and m 0 = m 1 + m 2 , andgives the bare energy detuning of the molecular state with respect to free atoms. Next, we consider a coherent process of Raman photoassociation or a magnetic Feshbach resonance coupling, giving rise to an overall effective Hamiltonian term in the homo-nuclear case (only with Bosons) [7,8],or, for the case of heteronuclear dimer formation involving either fermions or bosons [9],Here, is the bare atom-molecule coupling responsible for the conversion of free atom pairs into molecules and vice versa. The heteronuclear case can be applied to Fermionic atom pairs in different spin states (⌿ 1 , ⌿ 2 ) combining into a Bosonic molecule ͑⌿ 0 ͒, or pairs of Bosonic and Fermionic atoms combining into a Fermionic molecule, or else to a fully Bosonic case where the atom pairs are not identical. Bosonic homonuclear case. First we consider the fully Bosonic uniform case of Eq. (2), i.e., a single-species atomic BEC (with m 1 ϵ m) coupled to a molecular BEC, where the atomic background energy is chosen to be zero. We ignore inelastic collisions-which is a reasonable approximati...