Fibrous long spacing collagen (FLS) fibrils are collagen fibrils in which the periodicity is clearly greater than the 67-nm periodicity of native collagen. FLS fibrils were formed in vitro by the addition of ␣ 1 -acid glycoprotein to an acidified solution of monomeric collagen and were imaged with atomic force microscopy. The fibrils formed were typically ϳ150 nm in diameter and had a distinct banding pattern with a 250-nm periodicity. At higher resolution, the mature FLS fibrils showed ultrastructure, both on the bands and in the interband region, which appears as protofibrils aligned along the main fibril axis. The alignment of protofibrils produced grooves along the main fibril, which were 2 nm deep and 20 nm in width. Examination of the tips of FLS fibrils suggests that they grow via the merging of protofibrils to the tip, followed by the entanglement and, ultimately, the tight packing of protofibrils. A comparison is made with native collagen in terms of structure and mechanism of assembly.