TAKASHI KOBAYASHI, YOSHINORI FUJIYOSHI, FUMIO IWATSU AND NATSU UYEDA 697 these crystals may vary easily with the conditions of crystal growth. The lattice energy and the crystal surface energy become of comparable size in such small crystals and therefore the interaction force acting between the crystal or molecules and the substrate is able to have an effect to some extent on the growth process.The authors wish to express their thanks to Dr K. Ishizuka for providing a computer program for image simulations. Thanks are also due to Mr M. Tsuji for his kind assistance.References ADACHI, K., ADACHI, M., KATOH, M. & FUKAMI, A. (1968).J. Electron Microsc. 17, 280. ASHIDA, M., UYEDA, N. & SUITO, E. (1966). Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn, 39, 2616-2624. BROWN, C. J. (1968. J. Chem. Soc. A, 2488Soc. A, -2493Soc. A, , 2494Soc. A, -2498. CLARK, W. R. K., CHAPMAN, J. N. & FERRIER, R. P. (1979).Nature (London), 277, 369-370.FUJIYOSHI, Y., KOBAYASHI, T., ISHIZUKA, K., UYEDA, N., ISHIDA, Y. & HARADA, Y. (1980 For b.c.c, vanadium metal the integrated intensities of 80 independent reflections were measured by using a spherically shaped single crystal 0.241 (3) mm in diameter with Ag Ka radiation. It was confirmed that there are very small differences in integrated intensities between paired reflections, and these differences can be measured significantly beyond the experimental error. The ratios of the paired reflections are smaller than those obtained from platy crystals [Weiss & DeMarco (1965). Phys. Rev. A, 140, 1223-1225 but are in good agreement with those recalculated recently by means of the APW method [Wakoh & Kubo (1980 There is asphericity of the charge distribution around atoms in b.c.c. 3d metals and this causes a slight difference in the X-ray scattering factors for paired reflections having the same sin 0/2, such as 442 and 600. Weiss & DeMarco (1965) attempted to detect the integrated intensity differences of the paired reflections using transmission with Mo Ka radiation for a vanadium single-crystal plate 0.1 mm in thickness and perpendicular to [110]; they obtained the ratios listed in Table 1. The experimental ratios were much larger than the theoretical values calculated by employing the Green-function method (Wakoh & Yamashita, 1971). Diana & Mazzone (1975) This value agreed well with the 3.0285 A measured for the powder specimens at 300 K (Korhonen, Rantavuori & Linkoaho, 1971). The crystal data are listed in Table 2, together with the experimental conditions. In total, 1249 reflections in the hemisphere of reciprocal space (l > 0) up to 20 = 150 ° were collected with co scans. Backgrounds were measured by stationary counts on each side of the peaks. The time ratio between background and peak was always greater than 1/3. In the measurement of the lowest five reflections, 110, 200, 211, 220 and 310, Ni-foil attenuators were inserted to make the peak intensity lower than 6000 counts s -1. Their attentuation factors are in the range from 1.3 to 4.1; these were determined from the least squares and their standar...