The hyperfine constants for muonium in elemental and binary inorganic solids suggest formation of three different families of defect centre, with distinct electronic structures. The overall range of values, spanning nearly five orders of magnitude, and their correlation with host properties such as band gap and electron affinity, reveal a deep-to-shallow instability which has profound implications for the electrical properties of hydrogen impurity in electronic materials, both semiconducting and dielectric.Abbreviations: "SR Y muon spin rotation, relaxation and resonance.
Nomenclature:Mu Y chemical symbol for muonium, light pseudo-isotope of hydrogen. This paper draws attention to the wealth of hyperfine data which now exists for muonium defect centres in solids, and to the consequent value of muonium as a model for hydrogen in materials where ESR data for hydrogen itself are not available. It highlights important and highly topical new additions to this data base, otherwise accumulated over three decades of "SR spectroscopy, and reYexamines which material parameters control the variation of hyperfine constant. The first point to make is that this variation is huge, spanning almost five powers of ten. Thus muonium in quartz or silica has a hyperfine constant close to the freeYatom value of 4.45 GHz [1] and its spectrum is visible up to at least 1000 K; in striking contrast, muonium in zinc oxide has a contact term of just 0.5 MHz and disappears around 35 K with an ionization energy of a few tens of meV only [2]. Hydrogen counterparts for both states are known to ESR spectroscopy [3,4]. The one extreme corresponds to trapped atoms in which the 1s(Mu) or 1s(H) orbitals are confined to interstitial cages in the host lattice, the other to delocalization of the shallow-donor type, in which the orbital is dilated by the the bulk dielectric constant of the medium and, where appropriate, by a low effective mass of the electron.The question arises whether all intermediate degrees of delocalization of the unpaired electron are permitted, in a continuum between these extremes. It