“…Our group has been focusing on metal acetamidinates as prototypical systems to extract general information on chemical systems relevant to CVD and ALD. ,,,,,,− Acetamidinate ligands have proven to be quite ubiquitous, given that they can be used to make complexes with a large number of metals − , and are promising as film deposition precursors because their physical properties (stability, vapor pressure, etc.) can be tuned by tinkering with the substitution groups added. − Our experimental work has shown that copper acetamidinates, stable under most conditions in solid, liquid, or gas phases, are nevertheless fairly reactive on solid surfaces, especially on those of late transition metals. Specifically, we have identified the beta-hydrogen position on the side moieties of most acetamidinates as a particular labile and reactive site leading to undesired decomposition. ,, We have also addressed the additional complication that arises from the fact that many metal acetamidinates form dimers or other oligomers when in solid or gas phases. ,,,,,, Dissociation of those into monomers upon adsorption onto solid surfaces compete with molecular desorption and/or unique decomposition routes stabilized by the dimeric structures.…”