Since the 1960's when Gordon Moore proposed that the transistor density in our electronic devices should double every two years while the cost is halved, the semiconductor industry has taken this statement to heart. Over the last few decades, no other industry has seen growth even comparably close to that experienced by the semiconductors industry. This has all been made possible by the unbroken string of ingenious breakthroughs by brilliant minds that have been working tirelessly to shrink down transistors. The latest of which is the use of high-k dielectrics and a return to metal gates combined with 3D-transistor architectures. This has been the enabling technology for the transition from the 90 nm node to the 45 nm node, allowing us to shrink our transistors further without losing additional gate control. The fundamental reason for using a high-k gate dielectric compared to SiO 2 is that shrinking our gate oxide further, which is already at a few angstroms, is no longer a feasible option to gain additional gate control. High-k dielectric overcome this by exploiting the fundamental physics of capacitors and the materials science of dielectrics to provide a viable option to increase gate control without the need for successively thinner gate oxides. Hafnium Oxide (Hf O 2 ) is the most studied and popular of such materials. Its high dielectric constant ∼ 16 − 25 and interface stability with silicon at operating temperatures make it an ideal candidate for use in current CM OS technology. Intel has been using Hf O 2 for their logic technology foundries for its 32 nm node and Micron its partner in memory has been using Hf O 2 for its DRAM access transistors and capacitors for the 50 nm node, all since the early 2010's. Despite its deceivingly simple appearance, the processes involved in the fabrication of such high-k Hf O 2 /Si interfaces are full of process subtleties and fabrication nuances. One of the primary reasons for this is the formation of a SiO 2 interlayer after deposition at process temperatures (∼ 600 o C −1000 o C) which degrades our final transistors gate control and ultimately the device characteristics.In this term paper we hope to explore the physics and materials science of these high-k Hf O 2 /Si interfaces, discussing the challenges and ways to overcome them when it comes to its actual fabrication, and how this ultimately affects our device performance. This paper is broadly divided into three sections where we look at the thermodynamics, reaction kinetics and atomic diffusion kinetics, after which we look at the effects of these parameters on device performance and fabrication.