The fl-decay energies of '4VEu, 147Gd, and ~5~Tb were determined by using 7-spectroscopical methods. The comparison of experimental with calculated K-capture probabilities yielded the QEc values 1.690(+_2~)MeV and 2.203C1~)MeV for ~47Eu and ~47Gd, respectively. By measuring the ratio of positron decay to electron capture for two branches in ~4VEu decay, the decay energies QEC=1'702(13) MeV and QEC =l.709(18) MeV were derived. Also from EC/fl + ratios the values QEC=2.225(75) MeV for 147Gd, and QEc=2.566(12)MeV for 15aTb were obtained. Earlier discrepancies in the mass adjustment of these isotopes were removed. In course of the present studies 7-decay properties of ~47Eu and a4VGd were reinvestigated.