INTRODUCTIONResearch-oriented metallurgists are generally aware that increasing the accelerating voltage of the electron microscope can result in a significant increase in specimen penetration.1.2 This ability to examine thick specimens in transmission has been utilized extensively to study the detailed features of microstructures developed during transformation, precipitation, and deformation, using either postmortem sectioning or dynamic in-situ observations on prethinned specimens. At accelerating voltages above the displacement threshold for crystals, electrons in the beam are sufficiently energetic to knock atoms from their lattice sites to create vacancies and interstitials. Study of the agglomeration of vacancies to form planar faults or voids has been a major application of the HVEM for a number of years. Finally, advances in electron microscope lens design and painstaking attention to mechanical and electrical stability have led to the development of very high resolution instruments which should produce atomic-level resolution in the near future.All these features of high voltage electron microscopy have been discussed in detail in various AIME symposia on metallography, as well as in previous special editions of Journal of Metals which were devoted to microscopy.3.4 However, there is one additional and unique aspect of highvoltage electron microscopy that is still not generally familiar to materials scientists, namely, the "critical voltage" effect. 5 • B This phenomenon takes its name from the fact that subtle but characteristic changes occur in the image and corresponding electron diffraction patterns from crystals at certain critical voltages which are determined by the composition, structure, temperature, and other specimen factors. Careful determination of the critical voltage (V e ) can provide quantitative information about departures from randomness in lattice site occupancy, i.e., clustering or shortrange order, Debye temperatures, bonding, and charge transfer in alloys. These basic parameters of crystal physics are usually derived from x-ray or neutron scattering studies or elastic wave propagation experiments and are not considered amenable to analysis by electron microscopy.An important advantage of the critical voltage technique over the other experimental methods is that it is not necessary to work with large single crystals, as the mag-