Accurate rates for energy-degenerate l-changing collisions are needed to determine cosmological abundances and recombination. There are now several competing theories for the treatment of this process, and it is not possible to test these experimentally. We show that the H I two-photon continuum produced by astrophysical nebulae is strongly affected by l-changing collisions. We perform an analysis of the different underlying atomic processes and simulate the recombination and two-photon spectrum of a nebula containing H and He. We provide an extended set of effective recombination coefficients and updated l-changing 2s − 2p transition rates using several competing theories. In principle, accurate astronomical observations could determine which theory is correct.Key words: cosmology: cosmic background radiation -cosmology: observations -atomic data -atomic processes -H ii regions -planetary nebulae: general
MOTIVATIONOptical recombination lines (ORL) are produced from recombination of ions followed by cascades from highly excited recombined levels. Theoretical emissivities of these lines should be known with high accuracy, and observations of such lines in nebulae provide valuable and accurate information on their composition, temperature and density. This is summarized in the textbook of Osterbrock & Ferland (2006), while Schirmer (2016) applies this theory to spectral simulations.Although many processes contribute to the formation of these lines, recently attention has been brought to l-changing collisions. These act to redistribute the populations within an n-shell and so change the subsequent cascade to lower levels. Intra n-shell l-levels are energy degenerate for hydrogenic systems, so the orbiting electron changes its angular momentum with no energy change. This is caused by a long range Stark interaction with the electric field of the projectile. Due to this peculiarity, slow high-mass projectiles are favored over electrons.There are now several competing theories for how l-changing collisions occur, as summarized in our previous work (Guzmán et al. 2016(Guzmán et al. , 2017, hereafter P1 and P2, and in the next section. These have an important effect on recombination line intensities, as shown in P1 and P2. In addition, l-mixing collisions in relatively low n-shells play an important role in producing cosmological recombination radiation (CRR; Chluba et al. 2010). In fact, Lyα and two-photon emissivities are the two bottlenecks at different redshifts: Lyα at z > 1300, and two-photon at lower redshift during the recombination epoch. Chluba & Sunyaev (2006) show that an accurate treatment of l-mixing collisions, and the 2s and 2p populations is needed to predict the CMB to a precision of ∼ 0.1%. These processes have a similar effect on helium recombination lines, which introduces uncertainties in measurements of the primordial helium abundance (Porter et al. 2009).It is not possible to experimentally determine which of the l-changing theories is correct. Measurements of l-changing rates have been d...