The properties of cold Bose gases at unitarity have been extensively investigated in the last few years both theoretically and experimentally. In this Letter we use a family of interactions tuned to two-body unitarity and very weak three-body binding to demonstrate the universal properties of both clusters and matter. We determine the universal properties of finite clusters up to 60 particles and, for the first time, explicitly demonstrate the saturation of energy and density with particle number and compare with bulk properties. At saturation in the bulk we determine the energy, density, two-and three-body contacts, and the condensate fraction. We find that uniform matter is more bound than three-body clusters by nearly 2 orders of magnitude, the two-body contact is very large in absolute terms, and yet the condensate fraction is also very large, greater than 90%. Equilibrium properties of these systems may be experimentally accessible through rapid quenching of weakly interacting boson superfluids. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.119.223002 Introduction.-Strongly interacting fermionic cold atoms have been the subject of a great deal of study both theoretically and experimentally across the BEC to BCS transition, and especially at unitarity, where the two-body system has a nearly zero-energy bound state [1]. These systems are universal in that all properties, including ground-state energy, superfluid pairing gaps, superfluid transition temperatures, etc., are obtained as a set of universal dimensionless parameters multiplied by the Fermi energy or momentum of a free Fermi gas at the same density. Studies of bosonic superfluids, however, have concentrated on the weakly interacting regime described by the Gross-Pitaevski mean-field equation. These systems are comparatively simple to study as they were the first to be cooled to very low temperatures and their properties can be described in a mean-field picture.It has been known for some time that short-range twoand three-body interactions can be used to describe the lowenergy properties of small clusters of bosons. To obtain universal properties, the two-body interaction can similarly be taken to generate a zero-energy dimer, but a three-body interaction is required [2,3] to avoid the so-called "Thomas collapse" [4] of three or more particles. The resulting discrete scale invariance leads to geometric towers of states in systems with three [5] and more [6][7][8][9][10] bosons. Many atomic and nuclear few-body systems fall into this universality class [11].In this Letter we demonstrate that large clusters and bulk matter are stable with such interactions, and similarly to the fermionic case described by a fairly simple set of universal parameters. We provide the first estimates for the universal parameters describing the ground-state energy, the equilibrium density, two-and three-body contacts, and