College level students are expected to be able to make sense of, and explain, aspects of chemical bonding and structure in terms of molecular orbital concepts. The present paper derives from in-depth research into the thinking of a small sample of college chemistry students. This study in one UK college revealed the ways in which students found the orbital concept problematic. A previous paper ("Conceptualizing quanta: illuminating the ground state of student understanding of atomic orbitals") reports how these students struggled to make sense of atomic structure in orbital terms. The present paper considers the students' understanding of the molecular orbital concept. It is suggested that when learners are introduced to ideas about molecular orbitals before they have mastered ideas about atomic systems, then their learning difficulties may be 'compounded' in the more complex context. For example, it was found that students often identified the orbitals involved in two-centre bonds as atomic orbitals. Representations of delocalised bonds invoked various alternative interpretations: but were seldom conceptualised as implying poly-centred molecular orbitals. These findings suggest that students are not given sufficient time to construct acceptable models of atoms and molecules as 'quanticles'. [Chem. Educ. Res. Pract. Eur.: 2002, 3, 159-173] TABER 160 properties of substances in terms of the distinct properties of the molecules. Yet it is known that students find such explanations problematic (Lijnse, et al., 1990;Taber 2001aTaber , 2002b.Students' tend to find it difficult to develop these types of explanations even when the molecular level properties are familiar from macroscopic scale phenomena (e.g. the same electrostatic forces that allow a comb to attract small pieces of tissue also act at the molecular level). Yet many of the important features of the behaviour of matter at the scale of molecules, ions and electrons are not familiar from experience of the macroscopic world. These features might be classed as 'quantum properties'.It is not surprising that the 'weirdness' of quantum behaviour -what one Nobel prize winning physicist has called "the crazy ideas of quantum mechanics" (Feynman, 1985, p.1)proves to be an additional barrier to students learning to use the chemists' models of matter. The quantization of energy, angular momentum etc., and the wave-particle nature of entities such as electrons, are alien to students. For example, the 'spin' of electrons (m s =± 1 / 2 ) is intrinsic, and does not mean the electron is spinning. Electron spin is sometimes referred to as quantum-mechanical spin to emphasise that the term spin is here used by analogy with the everyday meaning.This paper, and its prequel (Taber 2002a), are concerned with learning about the properties of matter at scales where these quantum effects do become significant, where particles might be labelled 'quanticles'. The particle model (or kinetic theory) of matter is a quantum theory: i.e. it claims that matter is not continuous but comp...