By means of thermal Vaporization, Inorganic, organic, and metallorganic species are separated and elemental emission In a microwave plasma is detected as a function of vaporization temperature. Solid samples of 250 mg or more are used to avoid problems with sample heterogeneity. The precision of characteristic appearance temperatures Is ±2°C. The single electrode atmosphere pressure microwave plasma system Is extremely tolerant to the Introduction of water, organic solvents, and air. The measurement system contained a repetition wavelength scan device to allow background correction. The plasma temperature was 5500 K. The system was used to measure C, , N, O, and Hg In orchard leaves and In tuna fish. Speciation means the separation and determination of trace inorganic, organic, and organometallic species in real samples (1). The separation processes, which have been most useful for molecular species in solid samples, include volatilization and/or gas chromatography, extraction and partition chromatography, fusion and dissolution, and direct methods.