Fine-grained biotite crystals within primary actinolite from a quartz monzonite body of the Bingham Canyon porphyry copper deposit, Utah, consist of 1M, 5M~, and 1M d polytype structures. HRTEM images directly show the stacking sequences of ordered biotite polytypes, stacking faults in ordered polytypes, and stacking sequences in disordered polytypes, if the stacking vectors for the 2:1 layers involve only 0 ~ and + 120 ~ rotations. The most common type of stacking fault in the 1M biotite is a layer with-120 ~ rotation, followed by a layer with + 120 ~ rotation, which corresponds to one unit cell of the 2M1 polytype inserted in the 1M structure. Disordered (or semi-random) biotite is composed primarily of thin domains of the 1M and 2M~ polytypes, with stacking faults. The structure of a new 5-layer (5M~) polytype has been determined from SAED and HRTEM results. The stacking sequence of the polytype is [02022]. A model of structural oscillation among 1M, 2MI, and 3T structural states is proposed to interpret nonperiodic stacking sequences in biotite crystals formed during non-equilibrium crystallization. The model also provides qualitative insights into the structure of complex long-period polytypes and may help to explain intergrowths of ordered and disordered polytypes that form during crystallization far from the equilibrium state.