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PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)Princeton UniversityDepartment of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Princeton, NJ 085448. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER The students have more recently been working in conjunction on the development of diagnostics in association with "Shock Propagation and Supersonic Drag in Low Temperature Plasmas (#F49620-97-l-0497) which began June 1, 1997.
SPONSORING / MONITORING AGENCY NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES)AirMajor accomplishments achieved under this AASERT Grant were the fabrication of a cavity-locked, injection-seeded Ti:Sapphire Laser and the demonstration of UV filtered Rayleigh scattering imaging in a supersonic jet, the fabrication/ characterization of a narrow passband transmission filter, and the development of a new concept for a line imaging Raman spectrometer for flow field, combustion, and plasma diagnostics. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Pulse burst lasers, passband transmission filters, Rayleigh scattering imaging 609-258-5131
163Standard Form 298 Prescribed bv ANSI
FINAL TECHNICAL REPORTFor the Period 7/15/94 -7/14/98 AFOSR Grant #F49620-94-1-0372 P00002 (Report dated 8/22/00)AASERT STUDENTS: Noah Finkelstein, Vincent Chiravalle, and Alan Morgan
INTRODUCTION:This AASERT grant on the development of a "Pulse-Burst Laser Source and Digital Image Processing for Measurements of High-Speed, Time-Evolving Flow," was originally paired with Grant #F49620-92-J-0217, entitled, "Quantitative Imaging of Time-Evolving Structure in Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows." This grant ended in December 1994, and the students then began working in conjunction with the AFOSR University Research Initiative (URI) in Aerothermochemistry, entitled, "Turbulent Reacting Flows at High Speed" (Grant #F49620-93-1-0427). Since the URI program encompassed the development of advanced diagnostics and the application of the pulse-burst laser, this pairing was appropriate. That grant officially ended June 30, 1997. Students associated with the AASERT cont...