The study of vibrational properties of amorphous silica and sodium silicate (SNO) glasses has enjoyed a sustained interest over the years. The amorphous nature of these materials presents significant challenges, some of which are being overcome mainly thanks to advances in computing hardware capabilities. Typically, this problem is approached from a numerical perspective with either Density Functional Theory (DFT) models, or classical empirical force fields. Both classes of models are commonly used to their respective strengths, the former yielding more accurate results, whereas the latter enable simulation of phenomena with larger characteristic time (eg, diffusion 1) or length scales (eg, interfaces 2). Because of the size of the structure required to represent accurately a random glass network, most of the studies of vibration properties are based on empirical potentials, 3-10 although some DFT calculations have also been carried out with smaller supercells. 11-14 In silica in