We provide an overview
of atom-scale apertures in solid-state membranes,
from “pores” and “tubes” to “channels”,
with characteristic sizes comparable to the sizes of ions and water
molecules. In this regime of ∼1 nm diameter pores, water molecules
and ions are strongly geometrically confined: the size of water molecules
(∼0.3 nm) and the size of “hydrated” ions in
water (∼0.7–1 nm) are similar to the pore diameters,
physically limiting the ion flow through the hole. The pore sizes
are comparable to the classical Debye screening length governing the
spatial range of electrostatic interaction, ∼0.3 to 1 nm for
1 to 0.1 M KCl. In such small structures, charges can be unscreened,
leading to new effects. We discuss experiments on ∼1 nm diameter
nanopores, with a focus on carbon nanotube pores and ion transport
studies. Finally, we present an outlook for artificial “size
zero” pores in the regime of small diameters and small thicknesses.
Beyond mimicking protein channels in nature, solid-state pores may
offer additional possibilities where sensing and control are performed
at the pore, such as in electrically and optically addressable solid-state