Quantum spin networks having engineered geometries and interactions are eagerly pursued for quantum simulation and access to emergent quantum phenomena such as spin liquids. Spin-1/2 centers are particularly desirable because they readily manifest coherent quantum fluctuations. Here we introduce a controllable spin-1/2 architecture consisting of titanium atoms on a magnesium oxide surface. We tailor the spin interactions by atomic-precision positioning using a scanning tunneling microscope (STM), and subsequently perform electron spin resonance (ESR) on individual atoms to drive transitions into and out of quantum eigenstates of the coupled-spin system. Interactions between the atoms are mapped over a range of distances extending from highly anisotropic dipole coupling, to strong exchange coupling. The local magnetic field of the magnetic STM tip serves to precisely tune the superposition states of a pair of spins. The precise control of the spin-spin interactions and ability to probe the states of the coupled-spin network by addressing individual spins will enable exploration of quantum many-body systems based on networks of spin-1/2 atoms on surfaces.Building networks of spin-1/2 objects with adjustable interactions represents a versatile approach for quantum simulation of model Hamiltonians [1, 2] because it provides direct experimental access to quantum emergent phenomena, such as topologically generated gapped excitations [3], spin liquids [4] and anyon excitations [5]. However, the precise control of spin interactions and integration beyond a few spins, while maintaining the ability to address individual spins, remains notoriously challenging [6]. Atomically engineered spin networks on surfaces, such as coupled atomic dimers, chains [7,8], ladders [9] and arrays [10], provide a bottom-up realization of tailored spin systems, by using STM to position and address individual atoms [9,11]. Atoms with large spin S generally exhibit strong magnetocrystalline anisotropy that results in Ising-like interactions [4,12]. In contrast, quantum fluctuations scale in proportion to 1/S, so they are maximal for the smallest possible spin, S = 1/2 [4].Spins interact via exchange and dipolar interactions. At the scale of a few coupled spins, shortrange exchange coupling can give rise to magnetic ordering such as magnetic bistability [9,13] and