In this report, multi-scale simulations to develop a mechanistic model of fuel-cladding chemical interaction (FCCI) conducted under the auspices of the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program in FY23 are described. The model assumes that cladding wastage is dominated by the intermetallic phase (Fe,Cr) 17 Nd 2 , and calculates production and diffusion of Nd in the fuel, diffusion into the cladding, and formation and growth of the intermetallic wastage layer. Atomistic simulations are used to calculate diffusivity of Nd in the (Fe,Cr) system. Mesoscale simulations, informed by previous atomistic calculations, are used to determine the effective diffusivity of Nd through the fuel, accounting for empty and sodium-filled porosity within the fuel. The BISON model incorporates this data and calculates the wastage layer thickness as a function of time, assuming parabolic growth kinetics based on the best available data. The results of the new mechanistic BISON model are compared to existing assessment cases for the X447 experiment in EBR-II, and show good agreement with experimental data and the existing BISON empirical model. To improve predictions of kinetics for future work, a phase-field model that includes fuel, wastage, and cladding phases is developed. Preliminary testing indicates that the kinetics may differ significantly from the assumed parabolic growth law, suggesting direction for future improvement of the model that will allow it to be applied to other fuel designs with greater confidence.