A hierarchical
(triple scale) simulation methodology is presented
for the prediction of the dynamical and rheological properties of
high molecular-weight entangled polymer melts. The methodology consists
of atomistic, moderately coarse-grained (mCG), and highly coarse-grained
slip-spring (SLSP) simulations. At the mCG level, a few chemically
bonded atoms are lumped into one coarse-grained bead. At this level,
the chemical identity of the underlying atomistic system and the interchain
topological constraints (entanglements) are preserved. The mCG interaction
potentials are derived by matching local structural distributions
of the mCG model to those of the atomistic model through iterative
Boltzmann inversion. For matching mCG and atomistic dynamics, the
mCG time is scaled by a time scaling factor, which compensates for
the lower monomeric friction coefficient of the mCG model than that
of the atomistic one. At the SLSP level, multiple Kuhn segments of
a polymer chain are represented by one coarse-grained bead. The very
soft nonbonded interactions between beads do not prevent chain crossing
and, hence, can not capture entanglements. The topological constraints
are represented by slip-springs, restricting the lateral motion of
polymer chains. A compensating pair potential is used in the SLSP
model to keep the static macromolecular properties unaltered upon
the introduction of slip-springs. The static and kinetic parameters
of the SLSP model are determined based on the lower-level simulation
models. Particularly, matching the orientational autocorrelation of
the end-to-end vector, we determine the number of slip-springs and
calibrate the timescale of the SLSP model. As a test case, the hierarchical
methodology is applied to cis-1,4-polybutadiene (cPB)
at 413 K. Dynamical single-chain and linear viscoelastic properties
of cPB melts are calculated for a broad range of molecular weights,
ranging from unentangled to well-entangled chains. The calculations
are compared, and found in good agreement, with experimental data
from the literature.