Rheological and structural studies of liquid decane, hexadecane, and tetracosane under planar elongational flow using nonequilibrium molecular-dynamics simulations J. Chem. Phys. 122, 184906 (2005) We present a detailed analysis of the configurational temperature ͑T conf ͒ for its application to polymeric materials using nonequilibrium molecular dynamics ͑NEMD͒ and nonequilibrium Monte Carlo ͑NEMC͒ methods. Simulations were performed of linear polyethylene liquid C 78 H 158 undergoing shear and elongational flows. At equilibrium, T conf is equal to the set point temperature of the simulation. An aphysically large decrease in T conf is observed in the NEMD simulations for both flows, especially at strong flow fields. By analyzing separately the individual contributions of the different potential interaction modes to the configurational temperature, it is found that the bonded modes ͑which constitutes almost 99.5% of the total͒ dominate the total T conf over the nonbonded ones; i.e., bond-stretching ͑Ϸ86.5%͒, bond-bending ͑Ϸ11.8%͒, bond-torsional ͑Ϸ1.2%͒, nonbonded intermolecular ͑Ϸ0.4%͒, and intramolecular ͑Ϸ0.1%͒ Lennard-Jones. The configurational temperature of the individual modes generally exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior with the flow strength and a dramatic change beyond a critical value of flow strength; this is mainly attributed to the dynamical effect of strong molecular collisions occurring at strong flow fields. In contrast, no such behavior is observed in the NEMC simulations where such dynamical effects are absent. Based on the principal physical concept of the configurational temperature, which represents the large-scale structural characteristics of the system, we propose to exclude the dynamical effects exhibited by the individual interaction modes, in obtaining a physically meaningful T conf as the configurational entropy of the system should not be affected by such factors. Since ͑a͒ the main difference between equilibrium and nonequilibrium states lies in the change in the overall ͑global͒ structure ͑represented by the bond torsional and nonbonded modes͒, and ͑b͒ the local, very short structure ͑represented by the bond-stretching and bond-bending modes͒ is barely changing between equilibrium and nonequilibrium states and its contribution to the total system configurational entropy is negligible compared to the large-scale structural changes, in order to accurately describe the structural changes occurring at nonequilibrium states by use of the configurational temperature, we further propose that only the contributions from the bond-torsional and nonbonded modes to ⌬T conf between equilibrium and nonequilibrium states should be taken into account to generate a physically meaningful ⌬T conf . Applying the above hypothesis to the analysis of the simulation data, good agreement between the NEMD and NEMC simulations ͑and between NEMD simulations for different flows͒ is observed. Furthermore, the configurational temperature obtained in such way is found to match remarkably well with the heat capacity...