Fatty acids stimulate the oxidation rate of mitochondria isolated from the wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but do not affect significantly the respiration of mitochondria isolated from mutants, in which the ADP/ATP carrier (AAC) was either modified (R96H) or deleted (Aaac2). Similarly as in mammalian mitochondria, the transmembrane electrical potential difference (Ay/) in the wild-type yeast mitochondria was dissipated by low concentrations of free fatty acids, and this was partially inhibited by bongkrecate. In contrast to the wild-type mitochondria, the addition of increasing concentrations of fatty acids to the op I (R96H) mutant mitochondria abolished only a small portion of Ai//, as compared to the change induced by classical uncouplers. The different effects of fatty acids on both, the respiration and the At// of mitochondria isolated from the wild-type and the aac mutants, respectively, demonstrates that the intact AAC is essential for the fatty acids induced H+ permeability of mitochondrial membrane. © 1997 Federation of European Biochemical Societies.