Journal of Lipid Research Volume 55, 20141721 of the apoE4 allele increases risk and decreases the age of onset of late-onset AD ( 2 ), the putative roles of apoE in AD pathogenesis have been a topic of intensive focus. apoE is the primary apolipoprotein secreted by astrocytes and microglia in the CNS, and lipidation of nascent apoEcontaining discoidal particles eventually leads to the formation of mature CNS HDL-like particles in cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) ( 1, 3 ). It is well-established that amyloid burden in humans follows an isoform-dependent pattern of apoE4>apoE3>apoE2 ( 4-6 ). In contrast to human apoE, murine apoE exists in only one isoform with limited homology to human apoE. Amyloid burden is robust in AD mice expressing murine apoE and nearly abrogated in apoE-defi cient mice ( 7-11 ). Reconstitution of human apoE isoforms into AD mice greatly delays amyloid deposition relative to murine apoE, but retains the human isoform-specifi c infl uence on amyloid accumulation (12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17). Taken together, the relative amyloid burden across murine and human apoE is: murine apoE>>apoE4>apoE3>apoE2>>apoE Ϫ / Ϫ . These observations clearly show that apoE affects amyloid burden in vivo. In vivo, neither apoE isoform nor gene dose significantly affects the rate of  -amyloid (A  ) production from amyloid precursor protein ( 16,17 ), leading to the consensus that apoE is largely involved in modulating the clearance of A  peptides from the brain. apoE participates in each of the three known pathways of A  clearance, including proteolytic degradation, egress across the blood-brain barrier, and interstitial fl uid drainage, although many details remain poorly understood ( 18,19 ). It is important to note, however, that apoE isoforms, levels, and lipidation status are all important variables.Abstract A key step in plasma HDL maturation from discoidal to spherical particles is the esterifi cation of cholesterol to cholesteryl ester, which is catalyzed by LCAT. HDL-like lipoproteins in cerebrospinal fl uid (CSF) are also spherical, whereas nascent lipoprotein particles secreted from astrocytes are discoidal, suggesting that LCAT may play a similar role in the CNS. In plasma, apoA-I is the main LCAT activator, while in the CNS, it is believed to be apoE. apoE is directly involved in the pathological progression of Alzheimer's disease, including facilitating  -amyloid (A  ) clearance from the brain, a function that requires its lipidation by ABCA1. However, whether apoE particle maturation by LCAT is also required for A  clearance is unknown. Here we characterized the impact of LCAT defi ciency on CNS lipoprotein metabolism and amyloid pathology. Deletion of LCAT from APP/PS1 mice resulted in a pronounced decrease of apoA-I in plasma that was paralleled by decreased apoA-I levels in CSF and brain tissue, whereas apoE levels were unaffected. Furthermore, LCAT defi ciency did not increase A  or amyloid in APP/PS1 LCAT ؊ / ؊ mice. Finally, LCAT expression and plasma activity were unaffected by age or the ons...