.-Glutamate has been suggested to play an important role in the release of insulin and glucagon from pancreatic cells via exocytosis. Vesicular glutamate transporter is a rate-limiting step for glutamate release and is involved in the glutamate-evoked exocytosis. Two vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUT1 and -2) have recently been cloned from the brain. In this report, we first functionally characterized vesicular glutamate transporter in cultured pancreatic ␣-and -cells, and then detected mRNA expression of VGLUT1 and -2 in these cells. We also investigated the effect of high or low level of glucose on vesicular glutamate transport in cultured pancreas cells. Our results suggest that both ␣-and -cells contain functional vesicular glutamate transporter. The transport characteristics are similar to the cloned neuronal VGLUT1 and -2 in regard to ATP dependence, substrate specificity, kinetics, and chloride dependence. VGLUT2 mRNA is expressed in both ␣-and -cells, whereas VGLUT1 is only expressed in -cells. High (12.8 mM) and low (2.8 mM) concentrations of glucose increased vesicular glutamate transport in -and ␣-cells, respectively. VGLUT2 mRNA was significantly increased in -and ␣-cells by high and low glucose concentration, respectively. This increase in VGLUT2 mRNA was suppressed by actinomycin D. We conclude that both ␣-and -cells possess functional vesicular glutamate transporters regulated by alteration in glucose concentration, partly via the transcriptional mechanism. diabetes; insulin; glucagon; transcriptional regulation L-GLUTAMATE IS THE MAJOR EXCITATORY neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system and plays important roles in many neuronal processes, such as fast synaptic transmission and neuronal plasticity. More recently, it has been suggested that glutamate is a functional molecule in nonneuronal tissues including pancreas, bone, stomach, intestine, liver, lung, kidney, and skin (28). Glutamate has been found to stimulate insulin (5, 7) and glucagon (6, 17) secretion in the pancreatic -and ␣-cells, respectively. In the model of glucose-induced insulin secretion, increased cytosolic Ca 2ϩ concentration by the opening of voltage-sensitive Ca 2ϩ channels, constitutes the main trigger of insulin exocytosis. However, the Ca 2ϩ signal alone is not sufficient for the full development of biphasic insulin secretion (see Ref. 20 for review). Maechler and Wollheim (19) recently provided evidence that glutamate acts downstream of the mitochondria by sensitizing the Ca 2ϩ -mediated exocytotic process. In that model, a rise in extracellular glucose causes elevation of intracellular glucose followed by a subsequent increase in glycolysis and tricarboxylic acid activity. These metabolic changes lead to an increase in cellular ATP that closes ATP-sensitive potassium channels causing depolarization of the plasma membrane potential. Subsequently, depolarization opens voltage-sensitive Ca 2ϩ channels, raising intracellular Ca 2ϩ concentration and triggering insulin exocytosis. Glutamate is pack...