The degradation of atrazine [2-chloro-4-(ethylamino)-6-isopropylamino-1,3,5-triazine], deethylatrazine [DEA; 2-amino-4-chloro-6-(isopropylamino)-1,3,5-triazine], and deisopropylatrazine [DIA; 2-amino-4-chloro-6-(ethylamino)-1,3,5-triazine] was assessed under limited oxygen conditions using in situ microcosms. Denitrification was induced in a shallow sand and gravel aquifer to measure the potential for degradation of atrazine, DEA, and DIA under low-O 2 conditions. The dissolved oxygen content decreased from 7-8 mg/L to e1 mg/L within 4 days and remained j3 mg/L for the remainder of the 45-day experiment. Atrazine, DEA, and DIA concentrations (normalized to the bromide concentration at each sampling time to account for dilution) did not show a significant decrease with time, indicating that these compounds are relatively stable under the low-O 2 conditions induced in the aquifer. Although removal of one alkyl group has been proposed as the rate-limiting step in atrazine degradation, no transformation of either monodealkylated metabolite (DEA or DIA) was observed in this study.