Tim I~OLE OF Pm~lVrEDICATION in the incidence and sewritv of cardiac arrhythlnias during induction of anaesthesia has received lithe attention. Although many authors ~-~s have made recommendations regardingl premedieation and its value in the prevention of arrhythmias, only a few 346,1~ have attempted to study this problem systematically.The aetiology of cardiac arrhythmias and catastr0phes during induction and maintenance of anaesthesia has been studied extensiyely 10-54 since John Snow 19 first reported in 1858 off cardiac arrest occurring d] tring induction of anaesthesia with chloroform. Following this first report, the rela ti~e importai~ce of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems has 1 een the subject of numerous investigations. Many authors2,6.s.9,~,XS,lS, ~~ ha~ e pointed to the role o~ the parasympathetic system in the aetiology of these ar hythrnias. On the other hand, other authors 4,5,ag,lr,zl-24,35,ss-4a starting with the fi~st reports by Levy 2s have I attributed the disturbances in cardiac rhythm to increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The effects of other factors such as hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis, and sensitization of the myocardium have also received considerable attention. 4,5,12,9`s,a~ Earlier studies were mainly concerned with chloroform, cyclopropane, and trichloroethylene mias have been adequately documented.The exact disturbances in electrical activity of sympathetic and sympathetic stimulation have and reported. ~5-7~ The pharmacology, advgntages administration of atropine have also been well stud]With this background we decided to do a sys :o circulating eatecholamines ~86,41,44,46,48-77 trrhythmias occurring during naesthesia. 5~ These arrhyththe heart produced by parabeen thoroughly investigated , and possible dangers of the ed.XS,~ S,TS-S5 ernatic study of the 'electrical activity of the heart during ind(tction of anaesth~ sxa in children. We wished to determine the incidence and aetiology of cardiac ~-'~egularities when anaesthesia I ~ 9 9 9was induced by the techniques commonly used inlo .ur hospital. The possibility of preventing or abolishing these arrhythmias natu~rally followed the completion of the primary purpose of the paper.MATErnAL AND METHODS One hundred and seventy-five inductions of an years of age were studied by means of a continue of the electrocardiogram. A recording was taker~ to induction until the child was being v~ prior intubafion. The sedative effect of the premedi~ *Department of Anaesthesia, Royal Victoria Hospital, Nil 328 aesthesia in children under te~ us-recording, standard Lead I~ continuously from immediately ltilated following endotrachea 1 tion permitted the application mtreal, Quebec.