“…Within the voluminous literature rooted in attachment theory (Ainsworth, Blehar, Waters, & Wall, 1978;Bowlby, 1969Bowlby, /1982Bowlby, , 1973Bowlby, , 1980, a fledgling sub-strand is developing, concerned with adults' attachment orientation or style as this bears on their functioning at work (e.g., Elliot & Reis, 2003;Hazan & Shaver, 1990;Joplin, Nelson, & Quick, 1999;Mikulincer & Shaver, 2007;Schirmer & Lopez, 2001;Simmons, Gooty, Nelson, & Little, 2009). Most researchers working in this area have tended to treat attachment as if it were a personality-like trait that extends across contexts, and attachment orientation or style (terms used interchangeably in this paper) has tended to be measured using one or another of the existing instruments originally developed to assess attachment in the context of romantic or other personal dyadic relationships.…”