Numerous Salmonella enterica food-borne illness outbreaks have been associated with contaminated vegetables, in particular sprouted seeds, and the incidence of reported contamination has steadily risen. In order to understand the physiology of S. enterica serovar Newport on plants, a screen was developed to identify transposon mutants that were defective in attachment to alfalfa sprouts. Twenty independent mutants from a pool of 6,000 were selected for reduced adherence to alfalfa sprouts. Sixty-five percentage of these mutants had insertions in uncharacterized genes. Among the characterized genes were strains with insertions in the intergenic region between agfB, the surface-exposed aggregative fimbria (curli) nucleator, and agfD, a transcriptional regulator of the LuxR superfamily, and rpoS, the stationary-phase sigma factor. Both AgfD and RpoS have been reported to regulate curli and cellulose production and RpoS regulates other adhesins such as pili. The intergenic and rpoS mutants were reduced in initial attachment to alfalfa sprouts by 1 log unit compared to the wild type. Mutations of agfA, curli subunit, and agfB in S. enterica serovar Enteritidis differentially affected attachment to plant tissue. The agfA mutation was not reduced in ability to attach to or colonize alfalfa sprouts, whereas the agfB mutation was reduced. Thus, agfB alone can play a role in attachment of S. enterica to plant tissue. These results reveal that S. enterica genes important for virulence in animal systems are also required for colonization of plants, a secondary host that can serve as a vector of S. enterica from animal to animal.Numerous Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC) outbreaks have been associated with contaminated sprouts and the incidence of reported contamination has remained steady (9). Previously, we showed procedures used in production of sprouted seeds encourage proliferation of human pathogens (11). Furthermore, S. enterica preferentially attached to the alfalfa sprout roots where the S. enterica cells formed large aggregates. These studies revealed that replacement of irrigation water reduced the number of EHEC cells on sprouts compared to S. enterica. Subsequent experiments showed that S. enterica was not removed from alfalfa sprouts with rinsing, whereas EHEC was easily removed, therefore suggesting differential attachment capacities between the bacteria (8).Bacterial attachment to plants has predominantly been studied for its role in virulence of plant pathogens. Recently, the surface interactions between bacteria and plant are being studied prior to the development of disease symptoms. Agrobacterium tumefaciens, which causes tumorigenic diseases in many plant species, requires a Ca 2ϩ -dependent adhesin (35), a repertoire of proteins encoded by att genes (22, 23), exo-and capsular polysaccharides (30), and cellulose fibrils (21, 22) to attach to roots. Other rhizosphere inhabitants also utilize cellulose (5) and fimbriae (18,39,40). However, only one study has begun to address the funda...