Detailed statistical rate calculations combined with electron capture theory and kinetic modeling for the electron attachment to SF 6 and detachment from SF 6 − ͓Troe et al., J. Chem. Phys. 127, 244303 ͑2007͔͒ are used to test thermionic electron emission models. A new method to calculate the specific detachment rate constants k det ͑E͒ and the electron energy distributions f͑E , ͒ as functions of the total energy E of the anion and the energy of the emitted electrons is presented, which is computationally simple but neglects fine structures in the detailed k det ͑E͒. Reduced electron energy distributions f͑E , / ͗͒͘ were found to be of the form ͑ / ͗͒͘ n exp͑− / ͗͒͘ with n Ϸ 0.15, whose shape corresponds to thermal distributions only to a limited extent. In contrast, the average energies ͗͑E͒͘ can be roughly estimated within thermionic emission and finite heat bath concepts. An effective temperature T d ͑E͒ is determined from the relation E −EA=͗E SF 6 ͑T d ͒͘ + kT d , where ͗E SF 6 ͑T d ͒͘ denotes the thermal internal energy of the detachment product SF 6 at the temperature T d and EA is the electron affinity of SF 6 . The average electron energy is then approximately given by ͗͑E͒͘ = kT d ͑E͒, but dynamical details of the process are not accounted for by this approach. Simplified representations of k det ͑E͒ in terms of T d ͑E͒ from the literature are shown to lead to only semiquantitative agreement with the equally simple but more accurate calculations presented here. An effective "isokinetic" electron emission temperature T e ͑E͒ does not appear to be useful for the electron detachment system considered because it neither provides advantages over a representation of k det ͑E͒ as a function of T d ͑E͒, nor are recommended relations between T e ͑E͒ and T d ͑E͒ of sufficient accuracy.