The mechanism of the fluorescence quenching of aqueous thionine by various metal ions (Ce 3+_ , Fe 2+ , Mn 2+ , Mg 2+ , Cs+ and Na + ) was studied at pn = 2.5. The following Stern-Volmer constants (Ksv) were determined: XSv(Fe 2 +) == 1.13 dm 3 mol -1 , Ksw(Mn 2 +) = 0.24 dm 3 mol" 1 , Ksv(Ce 3 +) = 0.24 dm 3 mol -1 , i£sv(Cs~) -0.03 dm 3 mol -1 . At concentrations below 1 -3 Na2S04 and MgS04 are very weak quenchers (Ksv(Na + or Mg 2+ ) = 0.007), but the influence on the fluorescence yield increases considerably at higher cation concentrations. This was attributed to the formation of ground state complexes between thionine and SO4 2-ions. The salt concentration affects considerably the quenching rate of Fe 2+ ions, but much less so that of the other cations. Fluorescence quenching mechanisms are discussed.