Modern Implantable Medical Devices (IMDs) feature wireless connectivity, which makes them vulnerable to security attacks. Particular to IMDs is the battery Denial-of-Service attack whereby attackers aim to fully deplete the battery by occupying the IMD with continuous authentication requests. Zero-Power Defense (ZPD) based on energy harvesting is known to be an excellent protection against these attacks. This paper establishes essential design specifications for employing ZPD techniques in IMDs, offers a critical review of ZPD techniques found in literature and, subsequently, gives crucial recommendations for developing comprehensive ZPD solutions.
CCS CONCEPTS• Security and privacy → Embedded systems security; Hardware security implementation; Denial-of-service attacks.
KEYWORDSImplantable medical device, IMD, energy harvesting, wireless power transfer, zero-power defense, authentication protocol, denial-ofservice attack, battery DoS ACM Reference Format: