“…(a) That oxidation of nascent radioactive phosphorus atoms would be expected to result in products normally formed in the oxidation of phosphorus-31, namely, orthophosphate, h ypophosphate, phosphite, and hypophosphite (12,15,16) ; (b) That the high energy in the system (13) might result also in the productioll of metaphosphate, pyrophosphate, and polyphosphate; ( 6 ) That exchange reactions among different chemical forms of phosphorus in the oxidized state do not occur (4,8,9,17,20,21); (d) That the addition, to sol~~tions containing such forms of phosphorus-32 in minute amounts, of relatively large quantities of corresponding chemical forms of phosphorus-31 would tend to inhibit hydrolytic and other changes in the case of the less stable forms of the radioactive materials; (e) That a given chenlical forin of phosphor~s-32 could be expected to separate from solution on precipitation of a phosphorus-31 carrier of the same chemical form.…”