Plastic-scintillator detectors are among the most common devices used for the detection of elementary particles. They provide good particle identification combined with excellent time resolution, whilst being inexpensive due to the affordability of plastic materials. Particle tracking is achieved by segmenting the scintillator into smaller, independent, optically-isolated voxels.
Enhancing the performance of future particle detectors necessitates larger total volumes, possibly combined with even finer segmentation. However, manufacturing such designs with current production strategies is challenging. These strategies involve a variety of time-consuming and costly fabrication processes, followed by the assembly of millions of individual parts. The difficulty in scaling up such a complex workflow underscores the need for technological advancements, which can be met by additive manufacturing. This method enables the construction of complex, monolithic geometries in a single operation. These geometries consist of fine three-dimensional granular sub-structures and require the integration of multiple types of plastic materials, as well as space to accommodate optical fibers, all within a compact volume of several cubic meters.
This article presents the fabrication and performance evaluation of the first additive manufactured single-block plastic scintillator detector. To achieve this, a new method called Fused Injection Modeling has been specially developed. The detector is capable of three-dimensional tracking of elementary particles and accurately measuring their stopping power. Its performance is comparable to the current state of the art of plastic scintillator detectors.
This work paves the way towards a new feasible, time and cost-effective process for the production of future scintillator detectors, regardless their size and difficulty in geometry.