“…On each trial, after a 1,000-ms fixation presentation, a horizontally aligned negative–neutral face pair was displayed for 500 ms with each face’s center being 60 pixels (visual angle: 1.7°) away from the fixation. A Landolt-C-like stimulus was used as the probe stimulus (Perlato, Santandrea, Della Libera, & Chelazzi, 2014; Thoern, Grueschow, Ehlert, Ruff, & Kleim, 2016), as it was frequently used in research on WM-driven attention selection (Hollingworth & Beck, 2016; Reinhart, McClenahan, & Woodman, 2016; Woodman & Luck, 2007). That is, a gray circle contour with a gap at the top or bottom (line width: 3 pixels; gap width: 3 pixels; visual angle: .08°) appeared upon the disappearance of the faces.…”